Appropriate attire and personal protection procedures and equipment are crucial in preventing hazards on the job site. Eye Protection: Safety glasses, goggles, or shields should be worn on all construction sites. Head Protection: Foot Protection: Respiratory Protection: Scaffolding: Electrical safety:
Inspected by:
Number of Employees: Copies to:
Date: Time:
Clean, level ground
Adequate ramps
Adequate stairs
Adequate ladders
Hard hats worn
Fall protection worn
Skin protection:                 Worn
Eye & face protection:      Worn
Hearing protection:           Worn  
Respiratory protection:     Worn
Located where required
Properly constructed
Adequately secured
Proper angle (extension ladders)
Proper size and type
Safe, usable condition
Properly Used
Prper Handrail and Landings
Non-Slip condition
Extinguishers where required
Fully charged
Adequately identified
Master emergency plan
Properly located (within 4.5 m)
Covered where required
Min. height, width requirement
Proper rail on street side
Proper lighting, where required
Clear walkways
Clear work areas
Clear access and landing
CSA Approved
Properly worn
Safe, usable condition
Unprotected openings and edges
Working from:                   Ladders
                                          Swings tages
Proper filler blocks in metal stairs
Proper cleats on ramps
Adequate lighting in stairwells
Proper handrails or guardrails
Properly erected (all parts used)
Proper access to platform
Proper guardrails, toeboards
Properly planked
Properly secured
Acceptable loading
General condition
Proper guards, cords, PPE
Tagging as Defective
Outdoor-type, rated over 300 volts
Condition of casing, ends, connections
Properly located
Properly secured
Properly moved or lifted
Properly hooked up
WHMIS training
Company safety policy and program
Injury reporting
Hazard reporting
OHS Act and Regulations
Personal HS responsibilities
Adequate qualified first aiders on jobsite
First aid kits:             Adequate number
                                 Adequate contents
Competent signaller
Proper lifting containers
Safety catches on all hooks
Proper use of tag lines
Condition of slings, hardware
Maintenance log available
Competent operator
Safe setup of equipment
Trained traffic controllers
Properly located
Clean, regulation sign
Properly dressed (including vest)
Fire extinguisher readily available
Rods and cylinders properly labeled
Proper eye protection worn
MSDSs readily available
Properly secured ground cables
Gas cylinders upright and secured
Proper screens and exhaust
Working Training
Properly used
Safe, unsafe Condition
Acceptable loading
Manufacturer’s operating manual
Properly identified
Overhead lines flagged and secured
Surface cables buried or protected
OHS Act and regulations
Warning signs
Emergency phone list
Report forms
WSIB Form 82 poster
Properly moved or lifted
Safely piled, stacked, bundled
Properly labeled (WHMIS)
Properly located
Appropriate shoring used
Proper access to trench
Excavated soil properly placed
Proper storage of materials in and above
Proper access to trench
Proper access to trench
Proper access to trench
Safety harness, lifeline properly anchored and used.
Rescue equipment readily available
Air testing before entry
Proper access
Properly attached and capable of at least 4 times maximum load
Outrigger beam tied to fixed support with adequate counterweight
All mechanical/electrical devices in good working condition
Independent lifelines for each worker (extend to ground)
Engineer’s drawing on site if required
Guardrails and fall-arrest system
Inspection statement by engineer or competent worker
Design drawings kept on project
Cleanliness of facilities



Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
Project Name
Activity: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
People at Risk Initial Risk Control Measures Residual Risk Remarks
Office Staff Document Controller Foreman Logistic team Store keeper Drivers Charge Hands Workers Visitors Nearby Public 5 5 5 Adequate information to be given all the employees through emails, display posters, notices etc. All receiving materials to be kept in isolate places for certain hours as per specification of materials to reduce the risk of contact and impact of virus and disease. In Site store area a separate isolated area will be provided, Cleaning and Disinfection operation will have done to receiving materials at site. To limit closer contact avoid shaking hands and hugging etc. until such time the situation becomes normal. Handshaking high five or first bumps should be strictly avoided in offices and site. Pre-appointment is mandatory for those who would like to visit offices and site; travel history of the visitors for the last 14 days to be verified to ensure they did not travel outside the country past 14 days or they are not coming from countries where COVID-19 outbreak is reported. All visitors to submit a self-declaration at site receptions and security gates in order to facilitate access where in details like infection symptoms, travel histories, purpose of visit etc. to be revealed. Self-Declaration form is available at all security gates. Employees coming from vacation must observe a 14days house quarantine prior to resume their works. Daily disinfection of high touch surfaces to be ensured. This may include prayers rooms, dining halls, rest areas, bio- metric scanners, personal computers, photocopy machines, mobile phones, and other office stationaries. Provision of adequate PPE i.e. Surgical masks, Gloves, Gum, Boots etc. to the cleaners and ensure it proper use during cleaning and disinfect operation A detailed training to be conducted with cleaners, to ensure the proper cleaning is to be done without any failure. Employees must be encouraged to report any changes with their health conditions like head ache, breathing difficulties, fever, cough, or tiredness if any to their immediate supervisors. Employees’ health monitoring is mandatory prior to send them to work, employees suspected with symptoms as explained above must be send to isolated immediately and must be informed. Avoid unhygienic conditions, maintain good personal hygiene and wash hand with soap and water frequently. Use alcohol based hand sanitizers (Not Anti-bacterial) is highly recommended. Do not wear a face mask if you are not a health professional or you to do not have symptoms of virus infection or you are not dealing with an infected person. Travel advisories from authorities to be checked and complied prior with travel abroad. Mass gathering like TBT’s, evacuation drills, workshops, training etc. is strictly forbidden to be conducted. Employee’s break times should be scheduled in different shifts to avoid the mass gathering. Employees must be encouraged to maintain the safe distance (at least 1 meter) with other co-worker to minimize the risk of virus impact.  Minimum travel and time duration tasks should be given to drivers and supervisor should be keep in touch with all drivers all the times. All Employees must be encouraged to; Regularly wash their hands, especially after sneezing or coughing. (use of hand sanitizer). Avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Follow cough/sneeze hygiene practices (cough or sneeze in a tissue or their elbow/sleeves) and discard used tissues appropriately in the dustbin, do not reuse tissues. Drink plenty of water, maintain a healthy diet and do not smoke. Employees of all ages must be encouraged to take all preventive measures as they all can be infected by the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Older people and the people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus. 1 5 5 All personal
Prepared by:   HSE Manager Approved by:   Project Manager
Likelihood (L) Severity (S) Risk Rating (R) L x  S Risk Rating Likelihood
1 2 3 4 5
1 Rare 1 Insignificant 1- 3 Low Risk 1 1 2 3 4 5
2 Possible 2 Minor 4-6 Moderate Risk 2 2 4 6 8 10
3 Likely 3 Moderate 8-12 High Risk 3 3 6 9 12 15
4 Often 4 Major 15-25 Extreme Risk 4 4 8 12 16 20
5 Almost Certain 5 Catas trophic 5 5 10 15 20 25


Assessment of first aid needs checklist.

Issues to consider Impact on first aid provision Notes
Hazards:The findings of the risk assessment(s) should be taken into account, along with parts of the workplace that may have different work activities or hazards, and may require different levels of first aid provision.
Are the hazards low level, such as those found in offices? The minimum provision is:
  • An appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements;
  • A suitable first aid box.
Are there higher-level hazards such as dangerous machinery, hazardous substances, or work involving confined spaces? Consider:
  • Providing first-aiders;
  • Additional training for first-aiders to deal with injuries resulting from special hazards;
  • Additional first aid equipment;
  • Precise siting of first aid boxes;
  • Providing a first aid room;
  • Informing the emergency services.
Does the level of risk vary in differentparts of the establishment/ building/site? Consider the provision of each building or site.
Where several levels of risks exist, base the provision on the highest level of risk.
How many people are working on site, or in the establishment/ building? Where there are small numbers of employees, the minimum provision is:
  • An appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements;
  • A suitably stocked first aid box.
Where there are large numbers of employees, consider providing:
  • First-aiders;
  • Additional first aid equipment;
  • A first aid room.
Are there any inexperienced staff, or trainees on site?
Are there any staff with disabilities, or particular health problems?
  • Additional training for first-aiders;
  • Additional first aid equipment;
  • Local siting of first aid equipment.
The first aid provision should cover any work experience trainees.
Do members of the public visit your premises? Under the Regulations, there is no legal duty to provide first aid for non-employees but the HSE strongly recommends that non-employees be considered in the first aid provision.Where there are small numbers of non-employees, a guide to the minimum provision is:
  • An appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements;
  • A suitably stocked first aid box.
  • Where there are large numbers of non-employees, consider providing:
  • First-aiders;
  • Additional first aid equipment;
  • A first aid room.
Where non-employees have disabilities or particular health problems, consider:
  • Additional first aid equipment;
  • Precise siting of first aid boxes;
  • Providing a first aid room;
  • Additional training for first-aiders to deal with disabilities or particular health issues, for example the use of an epi-pen for administration.
Accident and ill health record
What is the record of previous accidents or incidents of ill health? What injuries and illnesses have occurred and where did they happen? Ensure the first aid provision will cater for the type of injuries and illnesses that might occur. Monitor accidents and ill health and review the first aid provision as appropriate.
Working arrangements
Do staff work out of normal office hours or work shifts? Ensure there is adequate first aid provision at all times people are at work.
Do staff travel to other sites, work remotely or work alone? Consider:
  • The outcomes of the lone working risk assessment;
  • Issuing personal first aid kits;
  • Issuing personal communicators or mobile phones.
Does the work involve travel to other sites or locations with members of the public (clients, service users or pupils)? Consider:
  • Ensuring the group is accompanied by a first-aider;
  • Taking a first aid kit on the trip;
  • The medical needs of the clients, services users or pupils, particularly if they have a medical care plan.
Do staff work at sites of other organisations? Consider:
  • Making arrangements with the other  organisation(s) to ensure adequate first aid provision;
  • A written agreement between yourself and the other organisation(s).
Is there sufficient first aid provision to cover absences of first-aiders, or appointed persons? Consider:
  • What first aid provision would be required to cover for annual leave or other planned absences;
  • What would be required to cover for unplanned and exceptional absences?
Overall Risk Rating based on information in table above (circle as appropriate): High Medium Low
Maximum number of persons on site, including non-employees:
No of 3-day trained first-aiders required: No of Emergency first-aiders required:
No of First Aid boxes required: No of Travelling/Mobile FA kits required:
Name of person responsible for maintaining FA boxes and kits: Name of person responsible for organising refresher training:
Signed: Date: Date of Review:


First Aid Provisions Contract Location
Min Requirements (Premises):
  • 1 Full Stocked Identifiable First Aid Box (Per Floor/Building)
  • 1 Appointed Person
  • Information for employees on what to do in an emergency.
  • 1 Litre Eye Wash (Saline solution where there is no clean running water for eye irrigation)
  • Min Requirements (Vehicle):
  • 1 Travel/ Vehicle Identifiable First Aid Box
  • 1 Litre Eye Wash (Saline solution)
  • Hazard / Premises type Low Hazard (e.g. Offices) High Hazard (e.g. Workshops)
    Number of Employees Under 5 4 - 50 50+ Under 5 5 – 50 50+
    *Appointed Person 1 - - 1 - -
    Emergency First Aiders Required - 1 1 1 2 -
    (FAW) First Aiders Required - 1 1 Extra for every 100 persons - 1 1 Extra for every 50 persons
    It is essential that adequate provision is made to cover all times people are at Work. Provisions must be made for absences, holidays etc.
    Provision for Loan Workers
    Low Hazard (e.g. Opening / Closing Gates) High Hazard (e.g. Operating Machinery)
    Access to a First Aid kit Personal First Aid Kit
    Daily Contact with Management Frequent Contact with Management &/ or a Personal Alarm
    EFAW / FAW Training ;if deemed necessary and depending on Hazards
    Accident / Incident History
    You must take into consideration the frequency and nature of any previous accidents and/ or incidences. Use the space below to detail the types and numbers:
    Needs Assessment
    Use the area below to work out your requirements. Remember your assessment should also detail any other training required e.g. Management of a casualty suffering from hypothermia or hyperthermia.
    Number of Office Staff:                                         Number of Operational Employees:                                         
    Seasonal Employees:                                            Number of EFA Required:                                                           
    Number of FA Required:                                       Appointed Persons Required:                                                     Other Requirements:                                                                                                                                                     
    How are the Operational Employees spilt? E.g. 4 gangs of 3, 2 Lone working play inspectors etc.:                                                                                                                                                                                          
    Action Plan
    What is in place already? What needs to be done? By Who & When Completed
    Continue on the reverse of this sheet if needed.
    Assessment Completed by
    Name Signature Date
    Reviewed by:
    Name Signature Date
    Firs Aid Box Contents
    Minimum contents for a First aid Box Office/Workshop
  • Leaflet giving general guidance on First Aid
  • 20 x individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings in assorted sizes
  • 2No Sterile eye pads
  • 4No Individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably Sterile)
  • 6No Safety pins
  • 6No Medium un-medicated sterile (medium 120cm x120cm) wound dressings
  • 2No Large un-medicated sterile (large 180cm x 180cm) wound dressings
  • 1 Pair disposable gloves (Powder free)
  • 10No Sterile cleansing wipes
  • Minimum content for a Travel Kit (Per Van)
  • Leaflet giving general guidance on First Aid
  • 5 x individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings in assorted sizes
  • 2No Sterile eye pads
  • 2No Individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably Sterile)
  • 2No Safety pins
  • 2No Medium un-medicated sterile (medium 120cm x120cm) wound dressings
  • 2No Large un-medicated sterile (large 180cm x 180cm) wound dressings
  • 1 Pair disposable gloves (Powder free)
  • 5No Sterile cleansing wipes
  • Eye Irrigation
  • Provisions must be in place for the irrigation of the eyes in the event of an injury.
  • Where there is no clean running water a minimum of 1 Litre of Eye Wash (Saline Solution) is required.
  • *Appointed Person This is someone who is responsible for the management of an emergency e.g. contacting the emergency services. They should also check First Aid equipment frequently to ensure all provision are in place, in date and easily accessible should the need arise.


    Fall Protection Checklist

    Project Name: Project Location:
    Supervisor Name: Fall Protection Location:
    Date: Time:
    Step Action Description
    1. ❐   Choose appropriate fall protection system Consider the work to be performed, the training needed for each system, the project conditions and the availability.
    ❐   Powered Elevating Work Platform Perform system checks, ensure level ground, operate according to manufacturers’ recommendations, tie off to PEWP or to adequate anchor point above at all times.
    ❐   q Horizontal Lifeline Install and use according to engineer’s design drawings, use min. ½” steel wire, <30 ft. between vertical posts, <15” sag in a 30 ft. span, 3 clips tying wire at beam end, engineer’s design drawings available, workers using double lanyard, and workers tied off at all times.
    ❐   Vertical Lifeline Column adequately secured with ½” steel wire or 5/8” polypropylene rope, vertical lifeline attached, vertical lifeline with rope grab extends from top of column to base, 1 worker using lifeline at a time.
    ❐   Self-Retracting Lifeline (SRL) Anchor to approved roof anchor, 1 worker using SRL at a time, must be moved periodically, lifeline locks up in quick movement, automatically retracts when tension removed, minimizing fall distance.
    ❐    Guardrail, Scaffolding, etc. Removes fall potential by providing a physical barrier, must meet minimum horizontal and vertical forces, must have top rail, midrail and toe board, scaffolding must be built accordingly.
    2. ❐   Frequent inspections of fall protection components All components of fall protection systems are to be inspected prior to each use by each worker. If deficiency is found, remove equipment from service.
    ❐    Harness Burns, cuts, loose stitching, frayed webbing, D-rings, grommets and buckles not worn or damaged, CSA stamp.
    ❐    Lifelines Burns, cuts, frayed material, no discoloration or other damage.
    ❐   Lanyards Burns, cuts, loose stitching, frayed webbing, CSA stamp, shock absorber in good condition, locking snap hook.
    ❐   Anchor Points Able to support 3600 lbs., verified by a competent worker.
    ❐   PEWP Maintenance log, manufacturer’s recommended inspections.
    ❐   Rope Grab Damage, cracking, dents, bends, connecting rings centered, rust, moving parts working smoothly, other wear.
    3. Rescue procedure chosen Refer to Construction Regulations, Sec. 26 for employer’s Fall Rescue requirements.
    4. Engineer’s design drawings and manufacturer's specifications available Engineer’s design drawings for:
    q Horizontal lifeline Scaffold system Anchor systems Manufacturer's specifications for:
    Anchor systems PEWP SRLs Harnesses Rope grab




    Note: If possible have Contractor Camp Supervisor, Safety Officer and Fire Wardens in attendance.

    Contract Proponent Contact Person: Name:
    Address: Business Email:
    Phone Number: Fax:
    Contractor Company Name:
    Representative Name: Address: Business Email:
    Business Phone: Business Mobile: Fax:
    Number of Residents Staying on Camp: Name of SA Proponent:
    Date of Inspection: Proponent Inspection Team Leader:
    SN A. Camp Management and Records Y No NA
    01. Contractor Camp Supervisor conducts weekly inspections using this checklist and retains on site records of corrective actions.
    02. Contractor Camp Supervisor compiles the results of weekly inspections and timely corrective actions, submits the MAR (monthly activity report) to the concerned Saudi Aramco organization, and retains on site records.
    03. Contractor has compiled a Maintenance and Safety Plan for camp/ accommodation services and the Contractor Safety Manual has a section on residential camp/ accommodation management, clearly stating responsibilities.Copy on site for reference.
    04. Current log maintained of all camp/accommodation residents.
    05. A copy of the park layout plan is prominently displayed within the Contractor Camp Supervisor’s office & is available to Fire wardens 24/7.
    06. Emergency evacuation & response plans prepared and posted in all means of egress routes.
    07. All residents are trained and familiar with the evacuation plan, and on site records kept.
    08. Fire/emergency evacuation drills conducted within the last 6 months at the camp/accommodation and completed written drill evaluations/critique.
    09. New residents have camp/accommodation safety orientation on arrival (shown firefighting equipment, escape routes, assembly areas, etc.) & on site records kept.
    10. All residents have received camp/accommodation fire safety training and on site records kept.  State percentage of those trained (year to date):
    11. Contractor promotes fire safety in the camp/accommodation and has a clear smoking control policy, with smoking in designated areas only, using sand filled receptacles.
    12. All fire detection, alarms and fire-fighting/protection equipment have been inspected as per NFPA 72, NFPA 25, NFPA 17A, and NFPA 10 as applicable, on site records kept and all actionable items corrected.
    13. Entire electrical installation at the contractor accommodation must comply with NEC [National Electrical Code - USA] and tested annually (by a qualified and experienced independent electrical engineer, on site records kept and all actionable items corrected.
    14. Periodic PM checks and servicing of electrical appliances/equipment (heating, cooking, food preparation, washing, drying and cleaning appliances, etc.) by qualified and experienced maintenance technician, on site records kept and all actionable items corrected.
    15. Periodic PM checks and servicing of LPG (butane and propane) equipment (heating, cooking, etc.) by qualified and experienced LPG technician, on site records kept and all actionable items corrected.
    16. Preventive maintenance (PM) performed on every HVAC unit by a qualified and experienced technician, every 6 months or as instructed by the manufacturer, whichever is the sooner.  On site records are kept and all actionable items corrected.
    17. A Master Cleaning Schedule has been developed, and implemented. This schedule shall identify areas to be cleaned, persons responsible and materials and equipment to be used. Written cleaning schedules and checklists are completed for all communal areas and facilities and on site records are kept.
    18. Qualified/trained pest controller is employed & implements an integrated approach to pest management. This emphasizes exclusion, pest proofing, elimination of breeding sites & harborage, surveillance & trapping. Documented pest control inspections &records of action taken are available on site.
    B. Fire Safety Y No NA
    19. An appropriate number of trained Fire Wardens appointed throughout the camp/ accommodation, with back-ups.
    20. Firefighting team/brigade appointed and trained, and provided with appropriate equipment, where directed by Saudi Aramco.
    21. Adequate roads and a 6.1meter clear width space for maneuvering fire trucks for access to all areas of the camp/accommodation.
    22. Written A4-size Fire Warning Notices posted prominently stating names of fire wardens and emergency phone numbers. Written instructions in case of fire and includes directions to evacuate the building, raise the alarm and call Civil Defense/Fire Protection Dept.
    23. Camp/accommodation buildings are constructed of non-combustible materials to prevent rapid fire growth. Combustible materials such as plywood used for internal/external cladding will result in rapid fire growth and greatly decreases the available time needed for residents to safely egress in a serious fire. (Ref: LPD Guide Number 007-005-2010: Application of Saudi Aramco Building Code to Contractor Camp and Project Support Buildings) Refer to the LPD Guide for further clarification on circumstances where this may not be required.
    24. Camp/accommodation buildings are spaced wide apart to prevent fire spread from building to building. Every portable accommodation unit must, where practicable, be separated at a distance of not less than 6 meters from any other structure. (Refer to the LPD Guide for further clarification on circumstances where this may not be required).
    25. Exit doors or fire escapes are never locked or blocked. No evidence of padlocks on exterior exit doors, which can block critical exit routes.
    25. Exit doors are constructed and installed to comply with IBC (International Building Code). Where required by IBC, full width panic bars, UL listed, are fitted.
    27. An effective and operable fire alarm/warning system is installed throughout the camp/accommodation, and where required by IBC, equipped with smoke/heat detectors, must be capable of proving audible fire warning to all camp residents, with initiation points easily accessible 24/7.
    28. The fire alarm system is checked and tested on a monthly basis and is being maintained adequately, on site records kept and all actionable items corrected.
    29. Smoke detectors connected to the fire alarm system (where fitted), are installed (UL/FM listed or CE standard, in sleeping areas to comply with NFPA 72, and tested on a monthly basis and are being maintained adequately.  On site records are kept and all actionable items corrected.
    30. Self-contained smoke alarms (where fitted) are UL/FM listed or CE standard, are checked and tested on a monthly basis and kept clean and free of dust. It is desirable that battery powered smoke alarms should be mains powered/with standby battery UL/FM or CE standard listed type smoke alarms. Whichever the type, smoke alarms batteries are replaced every year (12-months).  On site records kept and all actionable items corrected.
    31. Emergency and exit lighting is fully operational & tested monthly.  On site records are kept and all actionable items corrected.
    32. An adequate number of fire extinguishers provided [mixture of ABC dry chemical + water], wall mounted at the appropriate height], inspected and checked in accordance with NFPA 10.  On site records are kept and all actionable items corrected.
    33. Fire hydrants, fire water storage tanks, fire pumps, fire hose reels, cabinets, stations and standpipes, fire sprinkler systems, wet chemical fire suppressions systems, where required by IBC, are properly installed, fully operable, inspected visually and tested every month in accordance with NFPA 25/NFPA 17A (as applicable), and date recorded on label attached. On site records are kept and all actionable items corrected.
    34. A logbook is maintained near the control panel for each fire alarm or fixed fire protection system. The logbook is used to document all testing, inspection, maintenance, and activation of the fire alarm or fixed fire protection system.
    35. "As-Built" drawings, specifications, & technical manuals of all fire alarms &  fixed/portable fire protection systems are available on site& updated.
    36. Camp housekeeping is satisfactory and no fire hazards noted.  (If not, give details in the corrective action report)
    37. Flammable storage areas securely locked (or fenced), posted with a warning sign ‘Danger: Flammable Area’ and located at least 15 m (50 feet) away from the nearest building or storage area for combustibles.
    C. Fire Safety Y No NA
    38. LPG (butane or propane) cylinders are only refilled by an approved LPG dealer/vendor.
    39. LPG cylinders are stored outside under sunshade and not located inside any building.
    40. LPG cylinders are free from corrosion, not exposed to moisture and kept away from wet areas.
    41. LPG piping is either rigid metal or armored flexible tubing or proprietary steel-braided synthetic-rubber LPG hoses (preferred type) with threaded couplings. Have approved connections for cylinders and LPG appliances. Screw type jubilee clips or twisted wire must not be used. Natural rubber hoses (often pink or light brown color) must never be used.
    42. LPG cylinder valve & coupling threads are in good condition. If the cylinder valve is broken or the coupling threads are damaged, the cylinder is removed from service and replaced.
    43. LPG regulators are in good condition & damaged units are removed from service & replaced.
    44. Written LPG Leak Response Procedure for dealing with leaks (copies posted in the kitchen and at the LPG store).
    45. Written LPG procedures for: installing & replacing a full cylinder (copies posted in the LPG store).
    46. Staff trained in LPG leak and installation/replacement procedures.
    D. Bedrooms/Dormitories Y No NA
    47. Visual checks are conducted on all electrical appliances in bedrooms to check for UL/FM/CE markings; any physical damage; damage to cables; fitted with correct plug and no overloading. On site records are kept and all actionable items corrected.
    48. Only listed/approved electrical extension cords/multi outlet strips are used and in good conditions, and are marked with UL/FM/CE.
    49. There are sufficient electrical wall outlet receptacles for the number of residents in each room to prevent overloading.
    50. Sleeping quarters with allocated floor space at a rate of not less than 4.6 m2 (50 ft2) but preferably 6.5m2 (70 ft 2) are provided for each resident.
    51. There is a procedure to prohibit cooking within bedrooms and this is enforced.
    52. Bedrooms are clean, tidy & pest free.
    53. Bed linen is provided to residents.  Linen is changed at least twice monthly.
    54. A table, chair and a reading lamp is provided in each dormitory.
    55. A lockable cabinet or wardrobe is provided for each employee in a dormitory room to store personal items.
    56. Doors on sleeping rooms, toilets/bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms that lead to the outside are self-closing and also have self-closing screen doors that open outwards.
    E. Sanitary Accomandation Y No NA
    57. Appropriate sanitary facilities/appliances provided. (See Table 1 at end of this checklist for number of sanitary facilities required)
    58. Suitable cleaning equipment and supplies for toilet/bathrooms provided.
    59. Suitable lockable storage space is provided for cleaning equipment.
    60. Cleaning Schedules are implemented and daily updated.
    61. Walls are non-absorbent to a minimum height of 1.8m in shower stalls and 1.2m elsewhere.
    62. All bathrooms, toilets, laundry rooms and similar areas are well ventilated and free of excessive condensation. They are suitably cooled or heated and provided with mechanical ventilation systems or mechanical exhaust fans.
    63. All floors are non-absorbent, are in good repair and are easy to clean.
    64. All bathrooms, toilets, laundry rooms and similar areas are adequately illuminated, with a minimum of 540 Lux at eyelevel at the mirrors above washbasins.
    F. Facilities General Y No NA
    65. Camp/accommodation buildings are in good condition. (If not, give details in corrective action report).
    66. The camp is not used for industrial purposes such as a lay-down yard or storage facility for construction materials or flammable materials/fuels, or for parking industrial vehicles and plant equipment. (If so, give details in corrective action report).
    67. The electrical supply network and infrastructure has adequate capacity to safely meet the lighting, power and cooling load, including all reasonable communal living in the camp/accommodation facilities and services within it.
    68. Air conditioning is provided and is fully functional in all accommodation and recreation areas.
    69. The HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) equipment is cleaned, checked and maintained in good condition, on site records kept &all actionable items corrected.
    70. HVAC units are properly physically supported and installed.
    71. Electrical panel boards are checked and in good condition, all electrical circuits are labeled, diagrammed and posted at power panels.
    72. All energized electrical power equipment is labeled and hazard signs posted.
    73. Standby electrical generators, where installed, are in good condition, checked and maintained.  On site records are kept and all actionable items corrected.
    74. All electrical appliances are rated for the camp/accommodation supply voltage without the use of portable transformers/regulators, and the plug can connect to the outlet receptacle without the use of an electrical adaptor.
    75. All electrical outlet receptacles are in good condition and not overloaded.
    76. Contractor camp is located on a well-drained site, free from periodic flooding and not adjacent to marshes, stockyards, industrial sites, pipelines or any other safety and/or health hazard.
    77. Floors, walls and ceilings in toilets, kitchens, dining rooms and laundry rooms are of materials that are smooth, impervious and easily cleanable.
    78. Floors in toilet rooms, kitchens and laundry rooms slope to trapped floor drain and are coved at wall/floor junction.
    79. Walls in kitchens and dining rooms are of materials that are continuous, smooth, impervious and easily cleanable and free from cracks, crevices and open joints.
    80. Ceilings in toilet rooms, kitchens, laundry rooms and dormitories are continuous and studs, joists, rafters are not exposed.
    81. Utility lines not exposed on floors of toilet rooms, kitchens, dining & laundry rooms.
    82. All buildings are designed to exclude insects and rodents through proofing measures such as self-closing outer screen doors, screen windows, metal plating on the lower edges of doors, etc.
    83. Working areas are kept clean and tidy and free of tripping hazards.
    84. All stairways have handrails on both sides, have a platform if it starts at an exit door and are properly illuminated.
    85. Swimming pools, if provided, meet requirements equivalent to those outlined in Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code Section SASC-S-13, Swimming Pools, Wading Pools and Spas.
    86. Windsock located in the camp (for camps located within 2km of a gas/oil facility or exploration facility).
    87. Windsock is in a good condition.
    G. Kitchen Y No NA
    88. Catering staff have received food hygiene training.  Records are kept.
    89. Food safety system in place (written procedures, temperature monitoring of cooked food, refrigerators, freezers, bain-marie) on site records kept.
    90. A fire blanket is provided (UL/FM listed or CE standard) and is wall-mounted in a prominent location.
    91. Cleaning Schedules available, being implemented & updated, and on site records kept.  Schedules include the extraction fans and canopies.
    92. Exhaust canopies incorporating fans & grease filters are installed above cooking appliances.
    93. Adequate cleaning equipment and supplies for kitchen are provided by contractor and suitable lockable cupboard space is provided.
    94. Kitchens are clean, ventilation extraction units are clean and grease free.
    95. A safe, clean potable water supply is provided in accordance with SASC (Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code).
    96. Suitably located washbasins & hand drying facilities in food preparation areas.
    97. Kitchens have a large double sink for food preparation, and an additional large three compartment sink for ware-washing. Each is provided with hot and cold water under pressure.
    98. Large kitchen operations are provided with grease traps on sewer line immediately outside of the kitchen and are easily accessible for cleaning.
    99. Food preparation surfaces are durable, smooth, impervious, easily cleanable and free from cracks, crevices etc.
    100. A minimum of ½ cubic foot of both chiller and freezer space is provided per user in self catering kitchens.
    101. A minimum of 3 cubic feet of dry food storage space is provided per user in self-catering kitchens.
    102. Kitchens have suitable cooking facilities. A minimum of one (1) LPG gas/electric burner ring is provided for each six occupants when self-catering kitchens are provided.
    103. Kitchens and dining rooms are adequately illuminated, a minimum of 540 Lux at food preparations surfaces and washing sinks, and 320 Lux at dining table surface.
    104. Kitchen and dining areas have sufficient air conditioning and exhaust ventilation to maintain temperatures at a tolerable level.
    105. Adequate ventilation in kitchens - refer to CS guidance note ‘LPG SAFETY’.  There is a minimum of 2 vents, one lower level and the other upper level. At least one opening window to provide emergency ventilation.
    106. Dining area provided with sufficient tables and chairs to accommodate 50% of the residents.
    107. Conduits, pipes, and cables in kitchens are properly chased into the structure or are suitably covered.
    G. Kitchen Y No NA
    108. Contractor provides free personal laundry or sufficient number of washers dryers for personal usage. Where a laundry is provided for personal linen only, a minimum of two (2) clothes washers and two (2) dryers must be provided for each 50 occupants or part thereof.
    109. Laundry room is fully enclosed and is adequately illuminated, and air conditioned.  Dryers ventilate to external air via rigid or flexible ducting.
    110. If contractor uses a commercial laundry service, submit a copy of the agreement with a commercial laundry to the applicable Saudi Aramco contractor camp administration team for review.
    I. Waste Y No NA
    111. Camp provided with a safe pressurized supply of fresh water that is filtered and chlorinated for use in kitchens, toilets, and laundry facilities, and for other cleaning tasks; in accordance with SASC, including testing and sampling, and on-site records (as required).
    112. A separate suitable chlorinated fresh drinking water supply is provided with outlets in suitable locations throughout the camp; in accordance with SASC, including testing and sampling, and on-site records are kept.
    113. Storage tanks have tight fitting covers, are vented and are protected from contamination.
    114. Functioning chlorination unit provided to treat raw water entering the facility (where applicable); in accordance with SASC, including testing and sampling, and on-site records are kept.
    115. Chlorine levels are routinely monitored in accordance with SASC (minimum of 0.5ppm residual chlorine, maximum of 3.0ppm).
    116. No cross connections exist between the potable water supply and any unsafe or questionable water supply, the sewage system or any other source of pollution.All faucet hoses, including bathroom faucet hoses, have backflow prevention devices (vacuum breakers) fitted.
    117. Water storage & delivery systems are in good repair and no evidence of water leaks, in accordance with SASC, and on-site records kept.
    J. Seawage Y No NA
    122. Sewage storage tanks are only used on camps with an occupancy level of 30 and below. Sewage holding tank is in good working order and adequate for the number of residents/workers, in accordance with SASC.
    119. Sewage regularly taken by tanker to an approved Treatment Plant, in accordance with SASC.
    120. Records adequate for each time a tanker takes sewage to an approved Treatment Plant.
    121. Company used for effluent transportation is approved and procedures are in place to prevent spillage, in accordance with SASC.
    122. Effluent disposal area is approved and there are no nuisance conditions existing, in accordance with SASC.
    K. Welfare Y No NA
    122. Contractor provides an entertainment room with T.V. with sufficient sitting arrangements.
    124. Contractor provides and maintains two (2) local telephone lines for residents in case of emergency, with access 24/7 to all residents of the camp/accommodation.
    125. Contractor provides an exercise room with standard equipment and sufficient for 20 people to exercise at a time (or other alternative suitable sports facilities).
    L. Medical and Emergency Preparedness Y No NA
    126. On-site clinic or medical treatment facility provided where required by the contract.
    127. Trained nurse and physician, and/or ambulance provided where required by the contract.
    128. Where no trained nurse or physician is required, 10% of occupants are trained in First Aid & BLS.
    129. Emergency disaster plan developed and tested, and communicated to camp/accommodation key personnel and medical staff; and copies of the emergency disaster plan detailing all credible scenarios is available on site. Periodic drill conducted (annually minimum) and on-site records kept.
    130. Treatment Protocols developed in accordance with Saudi Aramco Minimum Medical Standards Requirements Manual (MMSR) and communicated to medical staff.
    131. Ambulance available on site at all times and is not used as a general duties vehicle.
    132. Ambulance driver (where required by the contract) is provided and has received ‘Specific Orientation’ in accordance with the Saudi Aramco MMSR.
    133. Ambulance (where required by the contract) is equipped with the following:
    • Communications (radio or mobile phone)
    • Spare wheel & jack
    • Vehicle PM checklists completed
    • Driver familiar with routes
    • Cleaning & disinfection schedules completed
    • Stretcher
    134. A stretcher is provided in clinic/medical treatment room.
    135. Refrigerator for medications (where provided) equipped with thermometer and temperature readings recorded on site (should operate between 2 0C to 8 0C).
    136. Surfaces & fixtures in clinic/medical treatment room are well designed and capable of being easily cleaned & disinfected.
    137. Cleaning & disinfection schedules available and being implemented in the clinic/medical treatment room, on-site records kept.
    138. Washbasin (preferably with elbow lever faucet/taps) is provided in the clinic/medical treatment room, with disposable paper towel dispenser & wall mounted hand sanitizer.
    139. Where no clinic is provided, camp/accommodation has adequate numbers of suitably stocked frequently replenished first-aid kits provided in prominent positions.
    140. Posters indicating the following: a) The name of the person who is in charge of first aid kit or cabinet. b) The hospital where injured/ill personnel are to be transported. c) The telephone number(s) of the doctor(s) or first aid attendant(s). d). The emergency telephone number(s) to be called for assistance.
    M. Hygiene Y No NA
    141. Camp maintained in good, clean & sanitary condition, routinely checked &on-site records kept.
    142. Outside perimeter of the camp/accommodation kept free from trash &dumping.
    143. Written cleaning schedules are completed daily and on-site records kept.
    144. Suitable covered garbage and refuse containers provided in kitchens and dining rooms and at strategic locations throughout the camp.
    145. Refuse is collected and taken from all areas of the camp/accommodation on a daily basis to a temporary designated storage and disposed of at frequencies sufficient to avoid excessive odors, nuisance conditions and attraction of vermin; in accordance with SASC.
    146. Camp is free from bugs and other insects, rodents, other vermin, and feral animals; in accordance with SASC (If not, give details in the corrective action report).
    N. Scuirty Y No NA
    147. Sign prominently displayed at the entrance to contractor parks and at the entrance to each lot within the site and at communal living facilities indicating the name of the site together with the current name, address, and telephone number of the proponent and the telephone number and mobile number of the site manager together with emergency contact details.  (Refer to Saudi Aramco - (General Instruction) G.I. 298.010 Safety Management Guide for Application of Building Code to Contractor Camps and the Letter of Understanding for further details).
    148. All of the accommodation areas/rooms have lockable doors.
    146. Camp perimeter fences/walls/gates are in good condition. (If not, give details in the corrective action report)
    C. Camp Shop/Store Y No NA
    146. Shop is clean, hygienic and pest free.  Shop workers have basic food hygiene training.



    NOTE: This form is not to be used for inspections of Hiab/Lorry Loadder crane, Boom truck powered industrial trucks, or aerial lifts. Checklist, Safety, Inspection, Daily,Ensure all lift trucks meet OSHA regulations at the start of each day.
    Date:                                                                                     Time:                                                                                     
    Boom Truck Plate No/:                                    Boom Truck Type / Capacity:                              
    Boom Truck Plate No/:                                   Contractor :                                                           
    Result Column: Y Acceptable, X: Unacceptable, NA: Not applicable -
    S/N Check Item Result Inspection Photos
    1 Equipment Documents-Third Party Certificate, Insurance, etc.
    2Operator Valid Training Certificate
    3Inspection And Color Coding
    Inspection And Color Coding
    5 Hydraulic System/Cylinder
    6 Outrigger Extension, Operation and Outrigger Pads
    7 Operation Liver and Remote condition
    8 Boom Angle Indicator
    9 Turntable / Rotate / Bearing Condition
    10 Wire Rope And Sheave
    11 Anti-Two Block Device
    12 Hook and Latch
    13 Emergency Stop Switch
    14 >Fire Extinguisher and Beacon Light –
    15 Pre-Trail Check .


    About me

    Hi there, I’m Saleem Akhtar HSE Engineer from Pakistan. I started to pursue my passion in training and providing Construction of oil and gas related Documents in 2019. I am trying help people in a way of delivering technical documents about Oil and Gas safety training and study material at one platform. I want to say “Thank You” for visiting this blog and everyone is always welcome to see, visit, subscribe and comment on my blog.